CatBib is Proven Safe & Effective

CatBib's have been scientifically proven to reduce predation by cats. The research has been conducted right here in Australia by experts at Murdoch University.

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Reducing the rate of predation on wildlife by pet cats: The efficacy and practicability of collar-mounted pounce protectors
BIOLOGICAL CONSERVATION, Vol 137, Issue 3, July 2007, pp 341-348;


In an attempt to provide sound advice to owners seeking to curb the predatory behaviour of their pet cats, we evaluated whether or not the commercial collar-worn product the CatBib reduces the number of vertebrates caught by pet cats. We also tested whether the colour of the CatBib influenced its effectiveness, or if supplementing the CatBib with a bell could reduce predation further. Fifty-six cats identified by their owners as known hunters completed the study, which took place in Perth, Western Australia over a six-week period in November/December 2005 (southern hemisphere late spring/early summer). Each cat spent a period of three weeks wearing a CatBib and three weeks without it and the number of prey brought home during each period was recorded. Participating cats caught a total of 13 bird species, five mammal species, and 11 herp (reptile and frog) species. The mammal the Southern Brown Bandicoot was the only prey species of conservation concern.

CatBibs stopped 81% of cats from catching birds, 45% of cats from catching mammals, and 33% of cats from catching herptofauna.

CatBibs of both colours were equally effective at reducing predation. There was no statistically significant evidence that adding bells conferred additional protection. Most cats (86%) adjusted almost immediately to wearing a CatBib, 10% took a day or so and only 4% took longer


  • The CatBib is especially effective in reducing predation on birds. Predation on mammals is also reduced, but not to the same extent. There may be limited protection for herpetofauna.
  • There was no statistically significant evidence that differently coloured CatBibs varied in their effectiveness.
  • There was no statistically significant evidence that cats wearing a bell as well as a CatBib caught fewer prey than cats wearing a CatBib alone.
  • Most cats (86%) adapted almost immediately to the CatBib, 10% took a day or so and only 4% took longer.
  • Direct comparisons of the relative effectiveness of CatBibs, bells and electronic warning devices must be made cautiously because no researcher has tested them all simultaneously. However, the reductions in total numbers of prey caught by cats wearing CatBibs or CatBibs and bells in this study are similar to or better than those reported for the other devices in the UK by Ruxton et al. (2002) and Nelson et al. (2005). The 72% reduction in the numbers of birds caught by cats fitted with a CatBib compares favourably to the figures of 34% for bells alone and 51% for electronic warning devices alone (Nelson et al. 2005). The 45% reduction in the numbers of mammals caught by cats fitted with a CatBib or a CatBib and a bell is similar to the figures of 34% for bells alone and 38% for electronic warning devices alone (Nelson et al. 2005).
  • While the sample size was small, only two of the 11 cats injured in fights were wearing CatBibs. Possibly the CatBibs make a cat look larger and more formidable, discouraging aggression. Alternatively, cats wearing them may be less inclined to pick a fight.
  • Overall, the CatBib is a safe and effective means of reducing predation by pet cats, especially when birds are the prey. Cat owners can use the product with confidence.

Read the full study at the link below or contact us for more information.

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